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Info UEK/CIE/ICE (URL(519117)deutsch URL(519118)français URL(519119)italiano URL(519120)english):

Folder "German Assets in Neutral Countries"
Reviewed but not yet summarized.
Folder "German Capital in Switzerland, Individuals covering"

Correspondence from American Consulate, Geneva, Nov 13, 1945
re: Secret letter [still classified - see note below] from British Consulate Geneva to Commercial Secretariat Berne regarding "certain individuals believed to be covering large sums of German capital in Switzerland. Bloch, du Pasquier, and Kleinschroth are well known, but the other individuals mentioned are not known to the Consulate."

Correspondence with British Legation, Commercial Secretariat, Berne, June 11, 1945
Requests more info. from above letter of "certain individuals" - particularly interested in info from "Felix Poulin, a British subject, procured from de la Grandiere, a Paris banker then staying in Geneva." Brits respond that no further contact was made, and state that the matter was referred to the Ministry of Economic Warfare.
N.B. Unfortunately, the actual list of Individuals covering German Capital in Switzerland was withdrawn (one page document, access restricted 3/28/80); perhaps available in London?

Folder "Flight of German Capital"

Memo signed "NRM", Feb 16, 1945
reads re: correction to Feb 13 telegram "Siegfried Mauser, German Consul Spain, is reported to be von Ribbentrop's commercial agent.

Note from Financial Attaché of French Embassy, Berne to Commercial Attaché (Reagan), US Legation, Berne, 29.7.1946
"Il m'est signalé que l'un des principaux trafiquants de billets de banque français en Suisse pour le compte des Services allemands, pendant l'occupation, serait un certain HUTZLER, fondé de pouvoir de la Banque SPONHOLZ à Berlin... Malheureusement, je ne possède aucune indication concernant la nationalité exacte ni la résidence actuelle de HUTZLER."

Embassy of the USA, Lisbon, Ref. 1615, 21.3.1945, re: "Nazi Channels for Foreign Investments"
Info from office of Attaché William M. Wheeler, Jr.:
A source in Bern, Switzerland [From Airgram from Paris, 25.6.1945, signed CAFFERY: Source is informant who met with Helmut Beyer, German Commercial Attaché, Bern] has reported that Nazi funds were not being sent abroad through regular banking channels, but with the aid of people in private banks who were in the confidence of the Nazi Party.
The following seven names were given as channels at present being used by the Germans:
Pilger, (Hans) (Pilder?) - Dresdener Bank
Schmoll - Fromberg Bank, Berlin
Hutzler - Sponholz Bank, Berlin
Eydenschink - Has a private bank of the same name in Munich. Is now in Zurich
Tierfelder - of the Lowenbrauerei. Works through the Wehrli Bank.
Von Clem - Foreign Office (handwritten: Von Klemm was in Switzerland last week)
Likus - Foreign Office or Ribbentrop Bureau
[CAFFERY: "Source also mentioned the name of KATGIEN, author of the Four Year Plan. He was not included in the list above because he is not a real Nazi, and may be useful to us. He has many large accounts abroad."]

Letter from Financial Attaché of French Embassy, Berne to Commercial Attaché (Reagan), US Legation, Berne, 12.11.1945
"J'ai reçu, en date du 25 Octobre, une réponse de notre Consulat à Bâle m'avisant qu'il ne s'agissait là, que d'une information très vague qui avait été recueillie auprès d'un fonctionnaire de l'Office allemand des devises.
"Ce fonctionnaire aurait laissé entendre à notre informateur, qu'il estimait que les sommes d'argent et les valeurs mobilières exportées en Suisse, depuis 1940, par des nationaux-socialistes, atteindraient environ deux milliards de francs suisses."
The official (Marcel Vaidie) regrets that he is unable to offer further specifics, as his informant had already left the country.

Airgram from Paris (CAFFERY) to Secstate, Washington, no. A-1171, 13.8.1945:
"We have been informed by the French Foreign Office that their Consul in Basle has obtained the following estimate of the amount of German capital exported to Switzerland since 1940 by the Germans:
"An official of the German Foreign Exchange Office is reported to have stated that about two billion Swiss francs of currency and other movable property were exported into Switzerland during this time by Germany.
"It is believed that this estimate relates to German flight capital, and not to transfers made on the basis of normal goods exchange."

Telegram received from Department of State, Date 25.4.1945, No. 1572
"There are large quantities of German gold, brought from Germany during 1944 by diplomatic pouch, buried in cellars, according to information supplied by seasonal workers employed on the estate of Baron von der Heydt on Monte Veritas, Ascona, Switzerland. Inasmuch as Baron von der Heydt is a Swiss National it would be difficult to carry out a search." Signed: GREW ACTING

"Transmitting an Additional List of Enemy Assets in Neutral Countries gathered from various files of the Ministry of Economy Warfare" Safehaven Series No. 188, 3.4.1945; From John M. Allison, Second Secretary, London Embassy. Kopie

No. 16: Società Anchina Pellami "SAP", Varese, Italy: "Have a/c [account] with Union de Banques Suisses, Lugano, in name of Eredi fu Francesco Beretta-Piccoli, Soc. Anon. Vianello, amounting to 817,500 s.f. This resulted from an import from Pellami by a Swiss firm of 109 tons of leather; 75% payments into this account cannot be disposed of until 6 months after cessation of hostilities in Europe, and 25% into Swiss Italian Clearing."

Folder "German Credits in Foreign Banks"

Letters from La Commission Mixte, from Charles Owsley, US Member of the Joint Commission, and from the Office Suisse de Compensation dated 22 Nov, 28 Nov, and 4.12.1950, respectively, re: possible cloaking of SS and/or particularly the assets of Dr. Leo Volk by the Switzerland-resident Austrian Hélène Hoffmann in coordination with the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Ernährung und Verpflegung GmbH, Berlin. Unblocking of assets; deals with transfer of SFR 150,000 from Germany to Switzerland [Pertinent letter from American Legation in Berne (James H. Mann) of 28.8.1947: Deutsche Wirtschaft agreed in 1944 to purchase the estate of Mrs. Hoffmann in Styria, Austria; a strange sale, since as Mrs. Hoffmann was of Jewish extraction and at the time was resident in Geneva, her property would normally have been expropriated. Instead, it was purchased for SFR 150,000 or 180,000 plus a mortgage of Reichsmark 228,000; interest of 4% on the mortgage was to be paid to Hoffmann in SFR; however, in order to conform to German-Swiss Clearing regulations, Reichsmark 228,000 had to be deposited in a Swiss bank. "This sum, deposited in Finanz Themis A.G., Zug, thereupon became the basis for the interest payment to Mrs. Hoffmann. The deposit itself, however, is owned by the Deutsche Wirtschaft... Hoffmann, although of Jewish extraction, may be holding all or part of the approximately 180,000 Swiss Francs allegedly paid to her for the benefit of the SS or Dr. Leo Volk, SS Hauptsturmführer and former legal adviser of the Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe GmbH, Berlin participated in the negotiations leading to the alleged sales agreement."][Information, according to OMGUS 11.7.1947 was from the former bookkeeper of Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe, who had been interned at Dachau; was confirmed by Leo Volk.]

Letter from Office Suisse de Compensation, 12.4.1948, to Commission Mixte. Re: Letter of 15.4.1947 from James H. Mann sent to Commission Mixte and forwarded "En réponse à votre information nous pouvons vous confirmer que la maison Aussenhandel-Finanzierungs-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Berlin, dispose effectivement auprès de Eidgenössische Bank in Zürich, d'un avoir de frs. s. 3157.20, lequel est bloqué conformément à l'ACF du 16.2.1945."

Letter from British Legation Berne (P.R. Larke) to the Joint Commission, Berne, 2.3.1948: "I have been notified by my authorities in London that the Deutsche Orient Bank, Istamboul (sic), has a credit balance with the Schweizerische Bankverein, Zurich, amounting to Swiss Francs 800,000." Larke is seeking to have the assets blocked, according to the terms of the Washington Accord.

Cross Reference to Letter from Swiss Clearing Office, see: Accumulatoren Fabrik Oerlikon, dated 15.1.1948, re: Conflits de séquestre
"...les autorités anglaises avaient décidé le séquestre des titres déposés chez la Swiss Bank Corporation à Londres, et appartenant aux ressortissants allemands Felix Lochmann et Günther Quandt."

Cross Reference to SCO; see Intercustodial Matters for letter of 31.12.1947
p. 1, para. 3: "Ci-après nous nous permettons de porter à la connaissance des membres de la Commission Mixte un cas-type d'avoir allemand dont la liquidation donne lieu à des difficultés:
"La Banque cantonale de Schaffhouse, à Schaffhouse, gérait pour le compte de feu le Dr. Félix Lochmann, sujet allemand, de son vivant domicilié à Hilzingen près Singen (Allemagne) £ 100.0.0   2.1/2% British Consolidated Stock déposés chez la Swiss Bank Corporation à Londres. Il s'agit donc de titres gérés par des banques suisses."

Folder "Furniture and Personal Effects Inherited" N/A

Folder "Enemy assets, their liquidation for repatriation" N/A

Folder "Enemy Assets, Mobilization of in neutral countries" N/A

Folder "Flight of individuals" N/A

Folder "Enemy Property in the US" N/A


1. Letter from SecState to American Mission, Bern, re: Foreign Economic Administration report on "Objectionable Activities of Two Leading Swiss Banks During 1944." 30.1.1945. Includes specific references to contacts between UBS and Credit Suisse on the one hand and banks in Germany and other Axis or German-occupied areas on the other. Also notes roles played by many smaller Swiss (i.e. Cantonal) banks further down the line. Notes in particular the role of the Basel branch of Credit Suisse in making currencies of neutral countries other than Switzerland available to the Germans. Document length: Cover letter + 6 pages.A list of transfers in 1944 by Swiss banks on the order of German companies, private banks, and the Reichsbank. Includes specific amounts and dates of transfer.
Random list of undated draft documents pertaining to relatively few specific transfers, while also quoting several letters from the Swiss Bankers' Association and the MEW.
Letters from British Consulate General, Zürich, to Commercial Secretariat, British Legation, Berne, dated in Feb 1945 re: case of deceased Mr. Raab who was receiving transfers from Spain (OMOEX, that is, Bank of Spain) transferred to account at UBS of a Mr. Kimche in amounts of SFR 90,000 and 60,000. (Later transfer of SFR 85,000 via American Express Basel with later transfer to Kimche's account at UBS. Some transfers from Spain to Kimche were initiated by Claire Catalan, Lisbon, via the Banco Exterior de Espagna; Catalan was not known by Kimche. It seems that the British Consulate allowed the transfers to pass in the end without raising any substantive objections.

Folder "Executive Committee on economic policy" N/A

Folder "German Assets in Spain" N/A

Folder "Foreign Assets in Liechtenstein" N/A

Folder "German Books published in Switzerland" N/A

Folder "German Chamber of Commerce" N/A

Folder "Germans, Expulsion of from Third Countries - Individuals" N/A

Folder "Germans, Expulsion of from Third Countries" N/A

Folder "German Art Exhibited in Switzerland" DEFINITELY N/A

Folder "Food packages to Germany" N/A

Folder "German Dummy Firms in Switzerland"

Memorandum for the Files, E.G. Rasmussen, 5.4.1946 re: preliminary list of Swiss firms in which German firms held or were suspected of holding an interest. Some of the firms were reported to be liquidated. Is alphabetical, except for last 12 pages. About 100 pages in length. NOT COPIED.
Memo from Press Department, American Legation Berne List reported by Orvis A. Schmidt, head of the US Treasury department in charge of overseeing foreign assets, published on 19.10.1945 the (COPIED) preliminary list of 214 firms in Switzerland that were secretly held by Germans (i.e. dummy firms).

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